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Tag: regulatory-investigation

Posted on June 30, 2015 by Dean Benard
Accusations of incompetence can result from poor record keeping and note taking, inaccurate or unclear report writing, failure to consider all sources of information and failure to meet timelines.
Posted on May 19, 2015 by Dean Benard
Locating people of interest (sometimes referred to as “Skip Tracing"), is an investigative technique skilled investigators use to locate an individual for various reasons and purposes. The investigators at Benard + Associates have the experience and expertise to locate people in all situations. This service is requested daily by our regulatory clients and lawyers.
Posted on May 12, 2015 by Dean Benard
Members of the public generally know that if they feel someone has acted criminally, including causing them personal harm, they can make a report to the police, or in some cases even take legal action against that individual.
Posted on May 6, 2015 by Dean Benard
When interviewing, investigators should keep these key tips in mind:
Posted on April 8, 2015 by Dean Benard
WATERLOO — Dean Benard and his colleagues are private eyes.So it's all stakeouts and surveillance, disguises and dark alleys?Once in a while, perhaps.But more often than not, a typical day involves interviews, research and paperwork. Lots of paperwork. 
Posted on March 25, 2015 by Dean Benard
When decisions are reached and findings are made in an investigation, parties involved  may not always agree with the results. However, they are more likely to accept the outcome if they feel that the investigation process itself was fair. Maintaining the following key principles of fairness will help parties feel confident in the process and the outcome.
Posted on November 4, 2014 by Dean Benard
Understanding clients’ ongoing and evolving needs has led Benard + Associates to enhance its services to include background screening and locate services:
Posted on October 23, 2014 by Dean Benard
We want to thank all of those who applied for the investigator job posting. We are currently evaluating the applicants and will be announcing the latest addition to our team in due course. 
Posted on July 22, 2014 by Dean Benard
Don’t waste time deciding what to do – Be prompt in making the decision to investigate. Delays make things more difficult and may create procedural challenges to an investigation. Delays may result in people becoming entrenched in their positions and gives more time for discussion to occur among the parties and potential witnesses to incidents. This is not to advocate being hasty in your decision to investigate but being expedient in moving the process forward is recommended.