The issue of respect in the workplace is an ever-evolving concern for employers and union leaders. With legislative changes happening frequently, and the increased demands put on employers, managers, and staff to comply with requirements, the issue of maintaining a respectful workplace is high on the priority list. However, most employers focus on reacting to complaints rather than being proactive to prevent serious issues from occurring.
There are legislative requirements for employers to establish programs to address complaints or known issues with harassment and violence in the workplace. The high incidence of workplace harassment, bullying, and violence are costing employers greatly in terms of financial and productivity costs. In our experience most employers educate their staff on what harassment is and that it is unacceptable. We take it a step further and provide education that focuses on shifting the culture in an organization to one that simply does not accept harassment, bullying, and discrimination. We show people the cost of these poisons in the workplace and give them the tools to address issues before they escalate into difficult and often permanent disputes.