Law Times Article
Recently I was asked to comment for an article being written for the Law Times. The subject is important to me so I agreed to participate. I was pleased with the fact that my comments were considered appropriate for a larger article and the quote of the week. However there were a few things that require clarification. The conference I spoke at in Chicago was an attorney / investigator conference for a regulatory council in the United States. I am quoted as saying, “It is very important for an investigator to be neutral in all the information”, I would have liked the writer to finish the thought which is to add “gathered so that all available information is considered and not just the information that supports one theory”. I get it, they have only so many words to put on the page and something has to go I suppose. The rest of the issues I have with the article are not worth spending more time on here. Overall the writer got the gist of what I was saying: investigations are becoming more complex, investigators should be neutral in their approach, always maintain excellent records of your actions and the evidence you gather, maintain neutral and objective language when writing your reports and, most important, be careful what you say to reporters because they might misquote you! Well, okay I just added that last one in here for me. 🙂