Posted on August 9, 2018 by Dean Benard
We are very pleased to be offering an outstanding all day workshop on conducting workplace

Posted on July 20, 2018 by Dean Benard
Benard + Associates is announcing the creation of our new coaching division, Source Coaching. Source is
Posted on May 16, 2016 by Dean Benard
Whether to audio-record interviews can be a contentious issue. As investigators, we are often questioned, sometimes by opposing counsel at disciplinary hearings or tribunals, why we did, or did not, audio-record an interview.
Posted on April 14, 2016 by Dean Benard
Benard + Associates is pleased to offer a new service to complement the investigation and mediation services we currently offer our regulatory clients. As part of the spectrum of complaint resolution, Benard + Associates is now offering professional decision writing services to assist our clients in resolving matters in a timely manner.
Posted on April 10, 2013 by Dean Benard
Investigation interviewing is easily the most important aspect of investigations yet it is not the easiest aspect of investigations. If you want to be a great investigator, you must become a great interviewer. We are currently offering a full day workshop on investigation interviewing with demonstrations, exercises and coaching in all aspects of conducting an effective investigation interview. Come spend a day with us at the Sheraton Centre Toronto and let us help you hone your interviewing skills and take it to the next level.
Posted on February 24, 2013 by Dean Benard
Tonight we are going to the 12th Annual Tema Conter Tribute Gala. We are excited to be supporting this worthy cause and tonight we will be sponsoring a "Heroes Tribute Table" for ten deserving people to enjoy an evening that supports them and their families. Below is an excerpt from the Tema Conter Memorial Trust website that speaks to the purpose of this worthy cause.
Posted on January 29, 2013 by Dean Benard
Last week we attended the Human Resource Professionals Association Conference and Tradeshow. We were very excited to show off our new and improved booth at the tradeshow and we had many excellent conversations with people about workplace investigations and mediation. I had the privilege of speaking at the conference on the subject of investigative interviewing. I was impressed with the size of the audience and how engaged they were with the topic.
Posted on November 18, 2012 by Dean Benard
The demand for investigation workshops has been incredible! We are happy to say that we are producing some of the best educational programs for investigations available anywhere. In the last two weeks we have completed two - two day workshops - for the Ontario Provincial Police. They are a great organization to work with and we are proud to have assisted them with their ongoing professional development needs.
Posted on September 23, 2012 by Dean Benard
We will have a FactFinders Newsletter coming out in the next day or two but I wanted to let you all know about the DVD preview video we just posted to the website. This video is the only one of its kind on the market. Take a look at the preview and consider getting a copy of the DVD. It will be very useful to anyone looking to enhance their interviewing skills.
Posted on August 26, 2012 by Dean Benard
Well it has certainly been a long time since I have blogged. I am hopeful that this latest effort is a turning point towards greater frequency of blogging. However I have always believed there is little point to send things into the blogosphere unless they serve some purpose. In this case we have a big announcement to make.