The wrong choice could cost more than just money. Make sure your service providers have the right knowledge and experience. Beware of those who claim to do it all.

5 Fatal Mistakes
Avoid the Dangerous Currents

Not having the right people to do the job
Not having the right solution for the problem
Every problem is unique and should be assessed for the best approach to resolve it. Investigation is not always the best plan. We believe that the best plan might not include us, and are prepared to give you that truth.
Allowing problems to grow rather than deal with them early
Conflict and some behaviours that are allowed to continue, grow, and fester into large, complex situations that can be difficult to resolve. Early intervention is the key.
Not educating and empowering leaders to effectively lead
Being in a leadership role doesn’t make you a leader. Leadership is changing all the time. Educate and develop your leaders because weak leadership can be at the heart of many conflicts.
Biting off more than you can chew
So, you took the one-day workshop! Are you ready for anything? Probably not. Know your limitations and seek guidance and support to succeed.
Industries We Work With

Professional Regulators

Healthcare Institutions

Law Firms

Educational Institutions

Municipal and Provincial Governments


Service Industries

Utility Companies