New for 2017!

The demand for our educational services has grown steadily over the past few years and to meet that demand, Benard + Associates is creating a new organization focused on the delivery of quality educational programs that will meet the needs of our clients.
Education will be a major focus in 2017 with a range of course topics, customized workshops, and interesting courses that will provide the information but more importantly, give you the tools to implement the knowledge and benefit from your investment. Our faculty is comprised of senior, experienced professionals including investigators, human resources professionals, lawyers, mediators, and adult learning specialists. Courses will be delivered through live and in person workshops, web based seminars, and online education programming.
Here are just a few of the broader topics we will be offering:
Private Investigator Qualification Course – This will qualify graduates to write the provincial Private Investigator Exam
Conducting Workplace Investigations
Conducting Regulatory Investigations
Conflict Resolution for Managers
Harassment Prevention in the Workplace
The above is only a small sample of what we will be doing and in addition to these we will continue to create private customized workshops for our clients.
Stay tuned to hear more about our upcoming launch in early 2017.