Interviewing Tips
Posted - May 6, 2015

When interviewing, investigators should keep these key tips in mind:
- Build rapport with the Interviewee: Interview subjects will cooperate and be more useful when they are relaxed and comfortable with the interviewer.
- Go from general to specific: Allow the interviewee to tell his or her story in full; then funnel down to clarify by asking more specific questions.
- Assist interview subjects with reference points and information that will allow them to put situations and past events into context.
- Avoid inappropriate questions: Do not ask leading questions or questions that imply the answer.
- Never coerce or threaten an interviewee: It is wrong to make promises or frighten a person into providing information.
- Stay calm and carry on: Never lose your cool and demonstrate anger or frustration with an interview subject.
All of Benard + Associates workshops on investigation skills contain components on interview tips. Click here to view our upcoming workshops.
This post originally based of a presentation by Dean Benard at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s Attorney and Investigator Conference.